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Module:Recipes (edit)
Recipes/Bookcase/register (edit) Aquatic Manabond 1 Bookcase ‡Manabond‡ ‡Water Bolt‡ ‡Manabond‡1^‡Water Bolt‡1 Manabond‡1^Water Bolt‡1
Recipes/Bookcase/register (edit) Druidic Manabond 1 Bookcase ‡Jungle Spores‡ ‡Manabond‡ ‡Stinger‡ ‡Jungle Spores‡15^‡Manabond‡1^‡Stinger‡5 Manabond‡1^Jungle Spores‡15^Stinger‡5
Recipes/Bookcase/register (edit) Infernal Manabond 1 Bookcase ‡Flamelash‡ ‡Manabond‡ ‡Flamelash‡1^‡Manabond‡1 Manabond‡1^Flamelash‡1
Recipes/Bookcase/register (edit) Shocking Manabond 1 Bookcase ‡Charged Magnet‡ ‡Manabond‡ ‡Charged Magnet‡1^‡Manabond‡1 Manabond‡1^Charged Magnet‡1
Recipes/Bookcase/register (edit) Vitric Book 1 Bookcase ‡Sandscript‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Sandscript‡1^‡Vitric Shard‡10 Sandscript‡1^Vitric Shard‡10
Recipes/By Hand/register (edit) Magmite Bomb 1 By Hand ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Hellstone‡ ‡Magmite in a Bottle‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡5^‡Hellstone‡5^‡Magmite in a Bottle‡1 Magmite in a Bottle‡1^Ancient Ceramic‡5^Hellstone‡5
Recipes/By Hand/register (edit) Magmite in a Bottle 1 By Hand ‡Bottle‡ ‡Magmite‡ ‡Bottle‡1^‡Magmite‡1 Magmite‡1^Bottle‡1
Recipes/Demon Altar/register (edit) Blood Crystal 1 Demon Altar ‡Any Gem‡ ‡Living Blood‡ ‡Tarnished Ring‡ ‡Any Gem‡10^‡Living Blood‡10^‡Tarnished Ring‡1 Tarnished Ring‡1^Living Blood‡10^Any Gem‡10
Recipes/Demon Altar/register (edit) Corpseflower 1 Demon Altar ‡Any Evil Material‡ ‡Nature's Gift‡ ‡Any Evil Material‡5^‡Nature's Gift‡1 Nature's Gift‡1^Any Evil Material‡5
Recipes/Demon Altar/register (edit) Death Saxophone 1 Demon Altar ‡Any Evil Bar‡ ‡Any Evil Wood‡ ‡Living Blood‡ ‡Any Evil Bar‡10^‡Any Evil Wood‡30^‡Living Blood‡10 Any Evil Wood‡30^Living Blood‡10^Any Evil Bar‡10
Recipes/Demon Altar/register (edit) Gilded Suspicious Looking Offering 1 Demon Altar ‡Frozen Aurora Bar‡ ‡Suspicious Looking Offering‡ ‡Frozen Aurora Bar‡30^‡Suspicious Looking Offering‡1 Suspicious Looking Offering‡1^Frozen Aurora Bar‡30
Recipes/Demon Altar/register (edit) Haunted Amethyst 1 Demon Altar ‡Amethyst‡ ‡Amethyst‡5 Amethyst‡5
Recipes/Demon Altar/register (edit) Suspicious Looking Offering 1 Demon Altar ‡Any Evil Bar‡ ‡Any Fish‡ ‡Any Evil Bar‡1^‡Any Fish‡5 Any Fish‡5^Any Evil Bar‡1
Recipes/Demon Altar/register (edit) Suspicious Looking Offering 1 Demon Altar ‡Any Evil Ore‡ ‡Any Fish‡ ‡Any Evil Ore‡4^‡Any Fish‡5 Any Fish‡5^Any Evil Ore‡4
Recipes/Demon Altar/register (edit) Tainted Greataxe 1 Demon Altar ‡Any Evil Bar‡ ‡Dull Blade‡ ‡Vengeful Spirit‡ ‡Any Evil Bar‡10^‡Dull Blade‡1^‡Vengeful Spirit‡10 Dull Blade‡1^Vengeful Spirit‡10^Any Evil Bar‡10
Recipes/Demon Altar/register (edit) ULTRAPILLS 1 Demon Altar ‡Any Evil Bar‡ ‡Healing Potion‡ ‡Living Blood‡ ‡Any Evil Bar‡10^‡Healing Potion‡1^‡Living Blood‡15 Healing Potion‡1^Living Blood‡15^Any Evil Bar‡10
Recipes/Dye Vat/register (edit) Sentinel's Tincture 1 Dye Vat ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡1^‡Vitric Shard‡5 Vitric Shard‡5^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Furnace/register (edit) Frozen Aurora Bar 1 Furnace ‡Frozen Aurora Chunk‡ ‡Frozen Aurora Chunk‡3 Frozen Aurora Chunk‡3
Recipes/Furnace/register (edit) Glass Arrowhead 1 Furnace ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡5 Vitric Shard‡5
Recipes/Furnace/register (edit) Moonstone Bar 1 Furnace ‡Moonstone (item)‡ ‡Moonstone (item)‡3 Moonstone (item)‡3
Recipes/Heavy Work Bench/register (edit) Flipped Desert Monolith 1 Heavy Work Bench ‡Sandstone Brick‡ ‡Sandstone Brick‡4 Sandstone Brick‡4
Recipes/Ice Machine/register (edit) Cheapskates 1 Ice Machine ‡Chain‡ ‡Crimtane Bar‡ ‡Wood‡ ‡Chain‡10^‡Crimtane Bar‡20^‡Wood‡50 Wood‡50^Chain‡10^Crimtane Bar‡20
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Alchemist's Shackles 1 Iron Anvil ‡Bone‡ ‡Healing Potion‡ ‡Mana Potion‡ ‡Shackle‡ ‡Bone‡10^‡Healing Potion‡2^‡Mana Potion‡2^‡Shackle‡2 Shackle‡2^Healing Potion‡2^Mana Potion‡2^Bone‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Ancient Vitric Blade 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡8^‡Vitric Shard‡12 Ancient Ceramic‡8^Vitric Shard‡12
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Ancient Vitric Bow 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡8^‡Vitric Shard‡12 Ancient Ceramic‡8^Vitric Shard‡12
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Band of Starlight 1 Iron Anvil ‡Starlight Gel‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Starlight Gel‡10^‡Vitric Shard‡8 Starlight Gel‡10^Vitric Shard‡8
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Barbed Knife 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Evil Material‡ ‡Any Iron Bar‡ ‡Any Evil Material‡5^‡Any Iron Bar‡10 Any Evil Material‡5^Any Iron Bar‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Bladesaw 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Copper Bar‡ ‡Any Iron Bar‡ ‡Any Copper Bar‡8^‡Any Iron Bar‡12 Any Copper Bar‡8^Any Iron Bar‡12
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Blood Amulet 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Evil Bar‡ ‡Living Blood‡ ‡Any Evil Bar‡10^‡Living Blood‡5 Living Blood‡5^Any Evil Bar‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Bloodbolter 1 Iron Anvil ‡Living Blood‡ ‡Living Blood‡12 Living Blood‡12
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Book Of Frost 1 Iron Anvil ‡Book‡ ‡Frozen Aurora Bar‡ ‡Ice Block‡ ‡Book‡1^‡Frozen Aurora Bar‡5^‡Ice Block‡20 Book‡1^Ice Block‡20^Frozen Aurora Bar‡5
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Breach Cannon 1 Iron Anvil ‡Astroscrap‡ ‡Astroscrap‡12 Astroscrap‡12
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Breacher Chestplate 1 Iron Anvil ‡Astroscrap‡ ‡Astroscrap‡20 Astroscrap‡20
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Breacher Leggings 1 Iron Anvil ‡Astroscrap‡ ‡Astroscrap‡15 Astroscrap‡15
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Breacher Visor 1 Iron Anvil ‡Astroscrap‡ ‡Astroscrap‡15 Astroscrap‡15
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Broken Glasses 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Iron Bar‡ ‡Glass‡ ‡Any Iron Bar‡10^‡Glass‡25 Glass‡25^Any Iron Bar‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Cloudstrike 1 Iron Anvil ‡Astroscrap‡ ‡Inert Crescent Staff‡ ‡Astroscrap‡10^‡Inert Crescent Staff‡1 Inert Crescent Staff‡1^Astroscrap‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Coach Gun 1 Iron Anvil ‡Explosives‡ ‡Musket‡ ‡Explosives‡1^‡Musket‡1 Musket‡1^Explosives‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Coalescence 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Ancient Vitric Bow‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡7^‡Ancient Vitric Bow‡1^‡Magmatic Core‡1^‡Vitric Shard‡7 Ancient Vitric Bow‡1^Ancient Ceramic‡7^Vitric Shard‡7^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Cogshot 250 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Gear‡ ‡Musket Ball‡ ‡Ancient Gear‡1^‡Musket Ball‡250 Musket Ball‡250^Ancient Gear‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Cogwheel 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Gear‡ ‡Desert Fossil‡ ‡Ancient Gear‡4^‡Desert Fossil‡15 Desert Fossil‡15^Ancient Gear‡4
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Crescent Quarterstaff 1 Iron Anvil ‡Moonstone Bar‡ ‡Moonstone Bar‡12 Moonstone Bar‡12
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Diane's Pendant 1 Iron Anvil ‡Aqua Sapphire‡ ‡Moonstone Bar‡ ‡Aqua Sapphire‡1^‡Moonstone Bar‡4 Moonstone Bar‡4^Aqua Sapphire‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Double Cross 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Silver Bar‡ ‡Any Wood‡ ‡Any Silver Bar‡10^‡Any Wood‡5 Any Silver Bar‡10^Any Wood‡5
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Earthduster 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Evil Bar‡ ‡Bone‡ ‡Soilgun‡ ‡Any Evil Bar‡12^‡Bone‡50^‡Soilgun‡1 Soilgun‡1^Any Evil Bar‡12^Bone‡50
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Echochain 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Gold Bar‡ ‡Vengeful Spirit‡ ‡Any Gold Bar‡15^‡Vengeful Spirit‡10 Any Gold Bar‡15^Vengeful Spirit‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Enchanted Watering Can 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Iron Bar‡ ‡Any Iron Bar‡30 Any Iron Bar‡30
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Facet & Lattice 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Trident‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡5^‡Magmatic Core‡1^‡Trident‡1^‡Vitric Shard‡10 Trident‡1^Ancient Ceramic‡5^Vitric Shard‡10^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Facet & Lattice 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Spear‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡5^‡Magmatic Core‡1^‡Spear‡1^‡Vitric Shard‡10 Spear‡1^Ancient Ceramic‡5^Vitric Shard‡10^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Flare Breacher 1 Iron Anvil ‡Astroscrap‡ ‡Astroscrap‡12 Astroscrap‡12
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Frostball 1 Iron Anvil ‡Frozen Aurora Bar‡ ‡Frozen Aurora Bar‡8 Frozen Aurora Bar‡8
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Frying Pan 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Iron Bar‡ ‡Any Iron Bar‡30 Any Iron Bar‡30
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Geode Bow 1 Iron Anvil ‡Exotic Geode‡ ‡Exotic Geode‡5 Exotic Geode‡5
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Geomancer's Cowl 1 Iron Anvil ‡Exotic Geode‡ ‡Exotic Geode‡3 Exotic Geode‡3
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Geomancer's Greaves 1 Iron Anvil ‡Exotic Geode‡ ‡Exotic Geode‡2 Exotic Geode‡2
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Geomancer's Hood 1 Iron Anvil ‡Exotic Geode‡ ‡Exotic Geode‡2 Exotic Geode‡2
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Gilded Glass Idol 1 Iron Anvil ‡Glass Idol‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Glass Idol‡1^‡Magmatic Core‡1 Glass Idol‡1^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Glass Idol 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡5^‡Vitric Shard‡5 Ancient Ceramic‡5^Vitric Shard‡5
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Gluttony 1 Iron Anvil ‡Book‡ ‡Living Blood‡ ‡Book‡1^‡Living Blood‡12 Book‡1^Living Blood‡12
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Gravebuster 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Iron Bar‡ ‡Any Tombstone‡ ‡Fallen Star‡ ‡Any Iron Bar‡5^‡Any Tombstone‡1^‡Fallen Star‡3 Fallen Star‡3^Any Iron Bar‡5^Any Tombstone‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Gunchucks 1 Iron Anvil ‡Boomstick‡ ‡Chain‡ ‡Boomstick‡2^‡Chain‡10 Chain‡10^Boomstick‡2
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Gunstrap Boots 1 Iron Anvil ‡Illegal Gun Parts‡ ‡Rocket Boots‡ ‡Illegal Gun Parts‡1^‡Rocket Boots‡1 Rocket Boots‡1^Illegal Gun Parts‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Haunted Dagger Staff 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Gold Bar‡ ‡Rich Mahogany‡ ‡Vengeful Spirit‡ ‡Any Gold Bar‡15^‡Rich Mahogany‡30^‡Vengeful Spirit‡10 Rich Mahogany‡30^Any Gold Bar‡15^Vengeful Spirit‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Haunting Breastplate 1 Iron Anvil ‡Silk‡ ‡Vengeful Spirit‡ ‡Silk‡16^‡Vengeful Spirit‡8 Silk‡16^Vengeful Spirit‡8
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Haunting Hood 1 Iron Anvil ‡Silk‡ ‡Vengeful Spirit‡ ‡Silk‡14^‡Vengeful Spirit‡7 Silk‡14^Vengeful Spirit‡7
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Haunting Robes 1 Iron Anvil ‡Silk‡ ‡Vengeful Spirit‡ ‡Silk‡12^‡Vengeful Spirit‡6 Silk‡12^Vengeful Spirit‡6
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Hermes' Vow 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Silver Bar‡ ‡Frog Leg‡ ‡Hermes Boots‡ ‡Any Silver Bar‡5^‡Frog Leg‡1^‡Hermes Boots‡1 Hermes Boots‡1^Frog Leg‡1^Any Silver Bar‡5
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Hermes' Vow 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Silver Bar‡ ‡Fledgling Wings‡ ‡Hermes Boots‡ ‡Any Silver Bar‡5^‡Fledgling Wings‡1^‡Hermes Boots‡1 Hermes Boots‡1^Fledgling Wings‡1^Any Silver Bar‡5
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Holy Amulet 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Gold Bar‡ ‡Life Crystal‡ ‡Topaz‡ ‡Any Gold Bar‡10^‡Life Crystal‡1^‡Topaz‡5 Any Gold Bar‡10^Life Crystal‡1^Topaz‡5
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Ignition Gauntlets 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Hellstone Bar‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡8^‡Hellstone Bar‡10^‡Magmatic Core‡2 Hellstone Bar‡10^Ancient Ceramic‡8^Magmatic Core‡2
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Impact SMG 1 Iron Anvil ‡Hellstone Bar‡ ‡Illegal Gun Parts‡ ‡Hellstone Bar‡12^‡Illegal Gun Parts‡1 Hellstone Bar‡12^Illegal Gun Parts‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Impulse Thruster 1 Iron Anvil ‡Astroscrap‡ ‡Cloud in a Balloon‡ ‡Rocket Boots‡ ‡Astroscrap‡2^‡Cloud in a Balloon‡1^‡Rocket Boots‡1 Astroscrap‡2^Cloud in a Balloon‡1^Rocket Boots‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Ironheart 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Gear‡ ‡Any Evil Bar‡ ‡Ancient Gear‡5^‡Any Evil Bar‡10 Ancient Gear‡5^Any Evil Bar‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Jetwelder 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Ancient Gear‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡5^‡Ancient Gear‡6^‡Vitric Shard‡5 Vitric Shard‡5^Ancient Ceramic‡5^Ancient Gear‡6
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Magma Arrow 100 Iron Anvil ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Wooden Arrow‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡1^‡Wooden Arrow‡100 Wooden Arrow‡100^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Magmatic Coach Gun 1 Iron Anvil ‡Coach Gun‡ ‡Hellstone Bar‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Coach Gun‡1^‡Hellstone Bar‡12^‡Magmatic Core‡1 Coach Gun‡1^Magmatic Core‡1^Hellstone Bar‡12
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Magmite Vacpack 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Magmite in a Bottle‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡10^‡Magmatic Core‡1^‡Magmite in a Bottle‡1^‡Vitric Shard‡5 Magmite in a Bottle‡1^Ancient Ceramic‡10^Vitric Shard‡5^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Magnet Beads 1 Iron Anvil ‡Charged Magnet‡ ‡Charged Magnet‡6 Charged Magnet‡6
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Man Eater Pot 1 Iron Anvil ‡Clay Pot‡ ‡Jungle Spores‡ ‡Vine‡ ‡Clay Pot‡1^‡Jungle Spores‡6^‡Vine‡2 Vine‡2^Jungle Spores‡6^Clay Pot‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Moonfury 1 Iron Anvil ‡Moonstone Bar‡ ‡Starfury‡ ‡Moonstone Bar‡8^‡Starfury‡1 Moonstone Bar‡8^Starfury‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Moonlit Arrow 100 Iron Anvil ‡Moonstone Bar‡ ‡Moonstone Bar‡1 Moonstone Bar‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Moonstone Chestpiece 1 Iron Anvil ‡Moonstone Bar‡ ‡Moonstone Bar‡15 Moonstone Bar‡15
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Moonstone Greaves 1 Iron Anvil ‡Moonstone Bar‡ ‡Moonstone Bar‡10 Moonstone Bar‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Moonstone Hamaxe 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Wood‡ ‡Moonstone Bar‡ ‡Any Wood‡5^‡Moonstone Bar‡10 Any Wood‡5^Moonstone Bar‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Moonstone Helmet 1 Iron Anvil ‡Moonstone Bar‡ ‡Moonstone Bar‡5 Moonstone Bar‡5
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Needler 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡5^‡Magmatic Core‡2^‡Vitric Shard‡10 Ancient Ceramic‡5^Vitric Shard‡10^Magmatic Core‡2
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Palenail 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Silver Bar‡ ‡Palestone Block‡ ‡Any Silver Bar‡12^‡Palestone Block‡25 Any Silver Bar‡12^Palestone Block‡25
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Pandora's Dagger 1 Iron Anvil ‡Blood Amulet‡ ‡Holy Amulet‡ ‡Blood Amulet‡1^‡Holy Amulet‡1 Holy Amulet‡1^Blood Amulet‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Phoenix Storm 1 Iron Anvil ‡Book‡ ‡Hellstone Bar‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Book‡1^‡Hellstone Bar‡10^‡Magmatic Core‡1 Book‡1^Hellstone Bar‡10^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Pulse Boots 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Gear‡ ‡Rocket Boots‡ ‡Ancient Gear‡5^‡Rocket Boots‡1 Ancient Gear‡5^Rocket Boots‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Pyroclastic Flow 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Hellstone Bar‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡8^‡Hellstone Bar‡15^‡Magmatic Core‡1 Hellstone Bar‡15^Ancient Ceramic‡8^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Radcula's Rapier 1 Iron Anvil ‡Any Evil Bar‡ ‡Any Evil Material‡ ‡Living Blood‡ ‡Any Evil Bar‡10^‡Any Evil Material‡10^‡Living Blood‡5 Any Evil Bar‡10^Any Evil Material‡10^Living Blood‡5
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Reactive Plating 1 Iron Anvil ‡Astroscrap‡ ‡Astroscrap‡10 Astroscrap‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Rebar Launcher 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Gear‡ ‡Hellstone Bar‡ ‡Ancient Gear‡6^‡Hellstone Bar‡12 Hellstone Bar‡12^Ancient Gear‡6
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Recursive Focus 1 Iron Anvil ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡1^‡Vitric Shard‡20 Vitric Shard‡20^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Refractive Blade 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Ancient Vitric Blade‡ ‡Magmatic Core‡ ‡Vitric Shard‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡5^‡Ancient Vitric Blade‡1^‡Magmatic Core‡1^‡Vitric Shard‡15 Ancient Vitric Blade‡1^Ancient Ceramic‡5^Vitric Shard‡15^Magmatic Core‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Rhythmic Resonator 1 Iron Anvil ‡Ancient Ceramic‡ ‡Bone‡ ‡Ancient Ceramic‡10^‡Bone‡5 Bone‡5^Ancient Ceramic‡10
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Salt Cogs 1 Iron Anvil ‡Chain‡ ‡Sea Salt‡ ‡Chain‡1^‡Sea Salt‡15 Sea Salt‡15^Chain‡1
Recipes/Iron Anvil/register (edit) Sandscript 1 Iron Anvil ‡Sandstone Block‡ ‡Sapphire‡ ‡Sandstone Block‡25^‡Sapphire‡1 Sandstone Block‡25^Sapphire‡1
