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Provides AJAX functionality for table content.

Note: AJAX may not render properly on certain mobile devices, hence it should be avoided on pages that mainly feature mobile content.


Only one parameter is completely required:

Target page, loaded when show data link is clicked. The first unnamed parameter will be read as the target if no named target= parameter is provided. When entered without target=, other parameters should follow on the same line (with no line break between the target and another parameter; otherwise a glitch occurs, and the wiki's main page may become the target instead).

All other parameters only customize the table appearance:

Sets the width of the table. Default is 100%.
The CSS style of the table head. Default is none.
The actual text in the table head. Default is blank, but head will still show so that the JavaScript will have somewhere to put the [edit] [show/hide] links.
Style of the table's content cell, applies to both before and after the loading of the table data. Requires "style=" for CSS markup, but also accepts wikitable markup. Default is align="center".
Specifies the body text, along with the AJAX load link text. Wrap the text you want users to click with [link][/link] in this parameter. Default is a general-purpose load link.
What users see when they have JavaScript disabled (which is of course required for AJAX operation). Defaults to:
This table requires JavaScript to be enabled and site tooltips to be turned on to be displayed.
You can also [[{{{target|none}}}|view the data]] on another page.
Allows setting table's class to something besides "terraria". Defaults to..."terraria".
If this parameter is set to anything besides a null value, the head is not displayed (including the show/hide/edit links).

Target page syntax

Tabular data should be wrapped in a table on the target page. Table formatting should be applied on the target page, not on the calling page.

You can enclose data in <span class="ajaxHide"></span> on the target page to hide it on the calling page.