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Template-info.svg Documentation The documentation below is transcluded from Template:Key/doc. (edit | history)


Use this template to show key or button presses.


If you enter text that doesn't appear below, it will still display, albeit with no symbol.

Code Result
Common game controls
{{key|up}} ▲ Up
{{key|down}} ▼ Down
{{key|left}} ◀ Left
{{key|right}} ▶ Right
{{key|jump}} Jump
{{key|grapple}} Grapple
{{key|use}} Use / Attack
{{key|open}} Open / Activate
Other common keys
{{key|shift}} ⇧ Shift
{{key|lshift}} ⇧ Left Shift
{{key|rshift}} ⇧ Right Shift
{{key|enter}} ↵ Enter
{{key|tab}} Tab ↹
{{key|backspace}} ← Backspace
Mac-only keys
{{key|cmd}} ⌘ Cmd
{{key|command}} ⌘ Command
{{key|opt}} ⌥ Option
Non-Mac keys
{{key|super}} ⊞ Super (also called “windows” Key)
{{key|menu}} ≣ Menu
Xbox Controller buttons
{{key|xb-lb}} LB (Left Bumper)
{{key|xb-rb}} RB (Right Bumper)
{{key|xb-lt}} Left Trigger (Left Trigger)
{{key|xb-rt}} Right Trigger (Right Trigger)
{{key|xb-back}} ◀ Back
{{key|xb-start}} ▶ Start


The symbol list used by this template was derived from this list uploaded by Minecraft Wiki user Majr.