Shield Construct

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Shield Construct

Shield Construct.gif

Shield Construct (Shielded).gif

EnvironmentVitric Desert
Max Life150
KB Resist.02%
Coins 2 Copper Coin.png

The Shield Construct is a Pre-Hardmode Enemy found in the Vitric Temple.


The Shield Construct will slowly walk towards the player before stopping to preform the following attacks:


  • It will slam it's shield down into the ground, preventing hits from that direction.
  • If a Shield Construct is nearby, it will run towards the first Shield Construct, leap onto its shoulders and create a wall.
    • There can be 3 Shield Constructs in a wall
  • If a Grunt Construct is nearby, it will run towards the Shield Construct, leap off it's back towards the player and slash at the player.
  • If a Pelter Construct is nearby, it will run towards the Shield Construct, leap off it's back away from the player and fire a spread of 3 Glass Arrow.png Glass Arrows at the player 3 times in a row.


  • 0.1: Introduced.